We are so thankful to everyone who supported us and voted in the Ledger’s “Best of the Best”. This people’s choice award shows that we are keeping our customers happy! It is our goal to continue to be the “Best of the Best” for our customers and employees. In addition, we hope this will allow those who have not used us before to feel comfortable knowing that we are a trustworthy and quality business who takes good care of it’s customers. As a family owned and operated business we could not be more proud of our team of employees who have helped create our good reputation.
The list was released on September 23rd in a special edition similar to the Time Out Section. Also the night before the Ledger held an amazing awards dinner announcing all of the winners for each category. This is the first year that the Ledger has promoted these awards. There were over 150 categories that were listed ranging from Best Burger to Best Doctor. To promote voting the Ledger gave away a free $500 gift card to one of the voters. With over 30,000 votes this year I’m sure that even more people will vote next year.
Not to mention many other cities and areas have adopted a similar list to allow the residents to promote business that they like and enjoy. This list will give the people of Polk County the ability to see what companies others in the area have good customer service and products. To see the full list go to http://www.bestofthebestpolk.com
You can also follow the “Best of the Best” on Facebook to see updates. That way you can see when it is time to vote again for 2017!